Find a SeaBuddy

SeaBuddy is open to anyone who is currently at sea, is seeking a career at sea, is planning on returning to a career at sea or any ex-seafarers who would like to support the community. It is a platform to help you build relationships across the maritime industry.


Individual connections:

Find matches based upon your needs and personal profile. How the relationships develop is up to you. From formal mentoring to informal advice, guidance and support SeaBuddy connections will share the same values and the same desire to make our industry a better place to work.

Group connections:

Join subject matter groups and communities to network and connect with people of similar interests.

Further resources

SeaBuddy guide for mentors How to use the platform Nautical Institute video guide to mentoring

SeaBuddy is open to all budding seafarers, current seafarers and ex-seafarers who want to:

  • Expand their personal and professional network
  • Share knowledge or learn new skills
  • Get advice on ship to shore transition
  • Have support whilst beginning a new role
SeaBuddy is open to all seafarers of any gender, race, age or ethnicity

Learn about careers at sea

A career in the maritime industry offers many opportunities from working at sea or in a port, from working in a major city like Singapore or London, from designing the most efficient vessels or the latest digital technology, maritime is big business.

Working in maritime is exciting, rewarding and unlike any other industry and the industry needs the next generation of innovators and problem solvers to help shape the future of the world we live in.

There are lots of different routes into a career in maritime, including a university qualification or an apprenticeship.

Take our maritime quiz to find out what a career in maritime might look like for you or access more information through the links on the right.

Find my maritime career quiz

Find a society or organization near you

Coming soon…

Wistain International – Associations

Understand different cultures and behaviour

Coming soon…

Find help and support

Port services, ship visits & chaplaincy

Seafarer rights & representation

Sexual assault / harassment

ISWAN offers free, confidential, multilingual support for seafarers and their families available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.